Monday 23 February 2009

Its That Clever Girl Again

Well, she helped steer her team to victory in the University Challenge final. We're talking Gail Trimble here. Corpus Christi College eventually won by 275 to 190, but for the first three-quarters of the competition it looked like Manchester were going to win as Corpus made a nervy, slow start. However they overtook Manchester in the home straight finishing like a horse with a blistering turn of foot.

She even made the national news on this red letter day for Britain with the British-made (and financed) film Slumdog Millionaire scooping 8 Oscars and Kate Winslet finally getting a Best Actress Gong.

I wonder, will we see that delightful blue stocking on the Eggheads team one day, maybe she could replace that opinionated, loud-shirted chappy. And she does look like she could have been a Marmite baby, don't you think?

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