Friday 20 November 2009

The Black Cloaked Beauty

While I absolutely abhor most television adverts, there are a few that have either entertained or intrigued me. One such is the advert for Scottish Widows. I have always wondered who that beautiful, mysterious cloaked lady was; and yesterday I finally discovered who she is.

The identity of the lady in question, which had eluded me for years, was finally resolved while I was watching Countdown yesterday. Jeff Stelling, the show's presenter, referred to the dictionary corner guest, Amanda Lamb, as the cloaked lady of the tv ad while introducing her. She went on to say that the series of Scottish Widows adverts were filmed in various countries, including South Africa, but never in Scotland.

I'd previously seen her on the home buying program, A Place in the Sun, and although noting her good looks, never made the connection until it was handed to me on a plate yesterday.

There you go.

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